Our Services
All services provided by First Step are completely free of charge and are kept strictly confidential.
Crisis Intervention Services
First Step provides a 24-hour hotline for survivors to access support and assistance in creating a safety plan. Survivors who contact the hotline are offered information about and assistance accessing the resources and services available to them at First Step and within the community.
First Step Hotline: 540- 434-0295
Emergency Shelter
First Step provides emergency, temporary shelter to survivors and their children whose lives are in imminent danger due to domestic violence. This service is based on space availability at First Step's shelter. If shelter space is not available, First Step staff will assist survivors in searching for other alternatives for safety.
First Step offers survivors ongoing case management, information and referral, financial empowerment, support, and accompaniment services. These services aim to empower survivors as they make decisions regarding their safety and next steps.
Legal Advocacy
While we are not attorneys and can’t offer legal counsel, First Step has a Legal Advocate who can provide information about victim’s rights and support survivors throughout the legal process. The Legal Advocate also provides court advocacy, accompaniment services, and referrals to other services when appropriate.
Rapid Re-Housing
First Step's Housing Advocate assists survivors in housing searches, as well as applying for resources to assist with housing. First Step has a Rapid Re-Housing program that provides short-term rental assistance to survivors who qualify for these services, when funding is available.
Inclusive Language Services
First Step aims to serve everyone regardless of ethnicity, disability, national origin, religion, language proficiency, or citizenship status. Our services are available in most languages by 24/7 interpretation services.
First Step has a Bilingual Advocate, fluent in Spanish who provides advocacy and support services to survivors with Limited English Proficiency. Additionally, several other staff speak more than one language.
Children's Services & Referrals
We know that domestic violence impacts not only the survivor, but also their loved ones. First Step staff will assist survivors in accessing resources and services for their children to meet their safety, emotional, and basic needs.
Domestic Violence Counseling
First Step's Domestic Violence Counselor offers individual counseling services for adult survivors of domestic violence in addition to facilitating a weekly support group for survivors. Learn more about First Step's counseling services.
Community Outreach & Engagement
First Step provides community engagement opportunities to help increase awareness about domestic violence and our services. First Step staff regularly have information tables or provide presentations and/or training at special events, meetings, services or classes. These activities usually take place at community events, businesses, non-profits, government agencies, faith communities, schools, and/or universities. For more information please contact us.