Hotline and Crisis Intervention Services

First Step is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Our entire staff is adequately trained in crisis response and will discuss your options and next steps of transitioning into an abuse free life. Call our hotline to receive support.



Experiencing domestic violence can often result in relocating from your home. If you are fleeing a dangerous environment and are in imminent danger, we offer emergency shelter to keep you safe. We find it important to accept all persons regardless of the situation.

Legal Advocacy

Many victims find going through the legal process to be a frightening and overwhelming experience. While we are not attorneys and can’t offer legal counsel, First Step’s Legal Advocate can go with you to offer moral support and help to create a safe space around you as you go through the process of either getting a protective order and other aspects of court process.

Case Management Services

Escaping abuse can be an intense process. If you are not in need of emergency shelter, we can still provide case management services to assist survivors as they navigate their next steps into an abuse free life.


Rapid Re-Housing

For all survivors who are in need of emergency shelter and stay at our shelter, we provide assistance in locating housing in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham county area. We also provide short-term rental assistance when funding is available.

Children’s Services and Referrals

We believe that domestic violence impacts not only the survivor, but also their loved ones. Our Children and Youth Advocate works to ensure that the children of survivors are equipped as they also transition into an abuse free life. We offer referrals for counseling for both children and adults who have been victimized.

Domestic Violence Counseling 

 When Domestic Violence occurs, survivors should have safe space to navigate their next steps towards healing into an abuse free live. First Step provides free counseling sessions to survivors who are in need of counseling and other support. Learn more about our counseling services.

Community Outreach and Engagement

Training opportunities are available for community professionals, civic organizations, and agencies on topics related to domestic and dating violence as well as services provided by First Step.  To request training, please email us at  We greatly appreciate a four week notice for any presentations.