What People are Saying
First Step strives to provide the best possible accommodations for survivors of domestic and dating violence, and their children, who are in need of our support services and/or safe shelter. We are staffed 24/7 to ensure that safety and availability are our top priorities with a focus on empowering survivors to achieve their goals. The following are a few testimonials from individuals who received services.
“If First Step didn’t exist, I would not have gotten the help I needed that staff provided to me here at the shelter. I would probably be at an unsafe place if I didn’t come to this shelter.”
“Without First Step, I would not have had a place to bring my children and myself and would have stayed in the abusive relationship simply to have a roof over our heads.”
“An advocate went to court with me. I was so scared to see my husband. I always feel welcomed and learn a lot when I attend support group. Childcare is provided during group meetings, which is helpful. I otherwise would not be able to attend.”
“I wish I had realized how bad my circumstances were. The support group helped me realize that I’m not the only one in my situation. It helped me realize I was not imagining my circumstance.”